Pets World

They have always been there when humans have fought wars, playing their role, whether as workers or as mascots. Many of them never came home, even when they survived the conflict.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Toys for Guinea Pigs

A very common question is "What kind of toys do guinea pigs like to play with?" All piggies like different types of toys, but some successful ideas have been:

1) A balled up piece of blank computer paper. (Anything colored may contain harmful dyes).
2) Empty toilet paper rolls or paper towel tubes. Many pigs love to gnaw on these, carry them around the cage, etc.
3) Same as number 2, but with a slit up the side and stuffed with hay.
4) Bird toys. Some like them to hang from their cages in various spots. Other guinea pigs prefer them laying on the floor of the cage so that they can pick them up and shake them all about.
5) Ping Pong balls, tennis balls, ferret balls (or cat balls that don't have small parts that can be chewed through and swallowed). Some piggies enjoy nudging these around their cages.
6) Ferret hammocks and ferret sleeping bags. You can buy these any pet store that sells ferret supplies, or you can make your own.
7) Stuffed animals.
8) Empty old sock. Some cavies like to drag one around the cage with them.
9) Old sock stuffed with hay.
10) Large Chubes are fun for them to run through and chew.
11) Hidey Houses are great to run through and climb upon.
12) Pieces of PVC pipe for them to climb through, hide in, climb on, etc.
13) Large piles of hay to hide in, sleep in, and of course EAT!
14) Cinder blocks make great hiding places AND keep them cooler in the summer.
15) The largest size plastic Igloo ("Pigloos," if you will) sold by pet stores.
16) Large "Fiddle Sticks" sold by pet stores make great hiding places.
17) Empty brown paper bags make great hiding places as well as something fun to chew on.
18) Empty cardboard boxes. Larger ones make great "houses," and smaller ones filled with a few food pellets make great "rattles" for your piggie to toss about.
19) Cuddle Cups can be found at most pet stores and make great "beds" for your guinea pigs.
20) Mirrors. Some guinea pigs like to look at their own reflections.
21) Towels/blankets draped strategically around the cage can create fun "caverns" for them to hide/play in.
22) Wooden toys such as alphabet blocks, wooden spoons, etc.
NEVER buy a wheel or exercise ball for your guinea pig. They can result in spinal problems for your cavy.


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